Setting Preferences

Diabetes Pilot allows you to set several different options in the program. These options can customize the behavior of Diabetes Pilot to your needs and help save you time while entering data.

General Preferences

Insulin Calculation Settings

Editing Categories

General Preferences

To set general program preferences, tap the "Tasks..." button, then choose "Settings..." from the menu that appears. The general preferences screen allows you to set several options that determine how Diabetes Pilot works:

Insulin Calculation Settings

Diabetes Pilot can calculate an estimated insulin dose when you are entering a glucose reading or a meal. These calculations are based solely on parameters that you enter. To use the insulin calculation features, these parameters must be configured for your personal needs, and the feature must be turned on.

The insulin calculation feature is provided as an educational tool that some people may find useful. It is not appropriate for everyone or for all circumstances. THE INSULIN CACLULATION FUNCTION IS A SIMPLE CALCULATION, MUCH LIKE YOU MIGHT PERFORM YOURSELF USING A POCKET CALCULATOR - IT IS NOT INTENDED AS MEDICAL ADVICE AND SHOULD NOT BE USED AS SUCH. If you do not understand this feature, please do not use it. If you do not understand what values to use on the configuration screen, please consult your doctor. In any case, by using Diabetes Pilot, you agree to assume full responsibility for your health care and you agree that Diabetes Pilot and its authors are not liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any results (correct or incorrect) returned by the program.


Please note that the insulin calculations presented by the program when you are making glucose and meal entries consider only the current entry. The calculations do not consider any other factors, such as exercise, previous doses, previous food, or other circumstances that could significantly affect the amount of insulin that is required. You must use your own judgement to account for these various factors.

To configure the insulin calculation feature, tap the "Insulin Calcs..." button at the top of the preferences/settings screen. The configuration screen will be displayed:

Editing Categories

Diabetes Pilot allows you to categorize your records however you would like.  Many people like to use these categories to group their records by time of day. However, you can change the category names to anything that you'd like.

To edit the category list:

On the main screen, tap the "Tasks..." button, then select "Edit Categories...".  Then,